Waterways of the Tsars

Waterways of the Tsars

RUSSIA - Home to some of the greatest lakes, rives and waterways of the world. Some say that the Waterways of Russia represent her people and define her very nature. The waters of its great rivers and lakes flow in the heart of every Russian. WATERWAYS of the TSARS THE GATEWAY TO SIX CENTURIES OF RUSSIAN HISTORY Tsar Peter the Great dreamed of sailing freely from Moscow to St. Petersburg. This is the fulfillment of his dream. RUSSIA - home to some of the greatest lakes, rivers and waterways of the world. Some say that the Waterways of Russia represent her people and define her very nature. The waters of its great rivers and lakes flow in the heart of every Russian. This unforgettable journey in the magical realm of the 'White Night' embraces magnificent St Petersburgh, Magical Kizhi Island and the ancient towns of the Golden Ring - Uglich and Zagorsk, via the abundant rivers, lakes and canals of this historic inland waterway in surroundings remote from the modern world. To experience the real Russia this journey, travelled by merchants centuries ago, voyages through vast inland seas, witnessing submerged cities, visiting sacred mystical isles, medieaval kremlins, fortified monasteries and churches. It is a journey into the very heart of a timeless Russia closed to the Western world for almost a century. WATERWAYS OF THE TSARS - Brings Peter the Great's Great Dream to Life through the majesty of the famed waterway that 'Flows in the heart of Every Russian'

Waterways of the Tsars

    WATERWAYS of the TSARS THE GATEWAY TO SIX CENTURIES OF RUSSIAN HISTORY Tsar Peter the Great dreamed of sailing freely from Moscow to St. Petersburg. This is the fulfillment of his dream. RUSSIA - home to some of the greatest lakes, rivers and waterways of the world. Some say that the Waterways of...